Daily Report

The Daily Report shows the rooms and revenue statistics for the specified Date at the Property.

The report is split into three main sections. The left side of the report shows room and revenue statistics for the selected day, as well as Period to Date (PTD) and Year to Date (YTD) information, and the right side of the report shows the Advanced Deposit register - the original balance of deposits, added and applied deposits, and the new balance, as well as the Guest folio balance, net, and closing balance. The right side also shows (bottom right section) the payment and refund transactions by type for the Property, the accounts receivable system and the POS system if there is one. The last section, at the bottom of the report, shows the Accounts Receivable (A/R City) Ledger, including the transactions, payments, net, and totals for Period to Date and Year to Date. The total balances for the day (Opening Balance, Today's Net and Closing Balance) appear at the very bottom.

The Daily Report command in the Revenue Reports section of the Reports Area opens the Daily Report screen and allows you to generate the report for the selected Date.



Date Updated March 04, 2021